06 Oct

Blogpost: One Small Way to Slay the Recall Dragon


I thought you’d find this blogpost of interest to you.  It offers a great perspective on what dealerships can do to better manage recalls and appeal to consumers who are desperate to locate information on vehicle recalls and recall repairs.

The article was featured in Digital Dealer Magazine, Driving Sales Magazine, Dealer Elite Magazine and other automotive publications and is creating some buzz amongst dealerships who didn’t realize that VIN check recall data could be offered directly on your website.  Perhaps you weren’t aware that Recall Masters offers a website widget that plugs into your existing website and usually prevents that online traffic from going to the OEM site and, possibly, being referred to a competing dealership for repairs.  You don’t have to face that frustration.

Take a quick read – https://www.recallmasters.com/one-small-way-slay-recall-dragon/ – and then let’s talk.  I can show you what some of your colleagues are doing to drive new revenue with a Recall Department section on their website.


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